Essiac Extra with Red clover

$ 8.50 $ 51.00

Essiac Extra with Red clover is a 5-herb Essiac formula. It is made up of the Classic 4-herb Essiac formula (Burdock, Sheep sorrel 65% roots, Slippery elm Turkey rhubarb), and the 5th herb is Red clover, blossom and leaf. This blend is a perennial staff favorite at Blue Moon Herbs!

We are pleased to offer two potencies of Essiac – the Sheep sorrel in our regular 4-herb formula contains 40% roots, while the Sorrel in Essiac Extra, Essiac Extra with Red clover and Essiac Extra Gold is 65% root – a higher percentage than available anywhere else unless you grow your own (which we recommend as another great healing activity)!

If you are looking for the most proactive approach to health and healing, Essiac Extra and its variations are Blue Moon Herbs’ Best! “The more Sheep sorrel root in Essiac, the better.” – Mali Klein

Essiac Extra, with Red clover!  Enjoy!